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Home >> Standard Operating Procedures >> Lights


Fenced out during daytime

  • Land based aircraft: Turn Strobe on and set full Position Lights.
  • Viggen: Only Anti Collision Lights.
  • Carrier based aircraft: No lights (Master Light Switch to OFF).

Fenced out at night or during really bad weather

  • Turn on Strobe, Full Position Lights and Full Formation Lights.
  • Viggen: All lights on.

Position lights to Steady or Flash?

  • For aircraft that can set position lights to different modes (F-5E, A-10C, L-39C, F-16C etc), set the position lights to the Steady position.

When fenced in

  • Turn all lights off. This is normally done by simply switching the master lights switch off.
  • At night, or in poor weather, you may leave the lights on as needed if you need to stay in formation.

Airport Ops

Taxi/landing lights

  • When taxiing, in clear weather and daytime, do not use taxi lights nor landing lights.
  • When taxiing at an airport, when visibility is low (like at night), use landing lights.
  • Before entering the runway for takeoff, always turn landing lights on.
  • Before landing on a runway, always turn landing lights on.
  • When vacating the runway, granted good visibility, always turn landing lights off.
  • In some aircraft (F/A-18C for instance) taxi and landing lights are combined and use the same switch.

Carrier Ops

During CASE 1 carrier ops

  • Turn all lights off. This is normally done by simply switching the master lights switch off. Lights are off the whole flight, and only used when needed (formation passing through clouds or similar).
  • Do not use taxi/landing lights during carrier ops.

During CASE 3 carrier ops

  • When starting up on the boat, turn on Strobe, Full Position Lights and Full Formation Lights, but set the master lights switch to OFF, making your aircraft go dark.
  • Just before taking off, when calling "Salute" and setting full power, set the master lights switch to ON, enabling all lights.
  • Do not use taxi/landing lights during carrier ops.
  • After the trap, when coming to a halt in the wires, setting the throttle to idle, set the master light switch back to OFF.