BVR Basic Training
Basic 2-ship BVR tactics
Components: Formation, MAR/DOR, communication, mutual support, differences from singleton BVR
Not covered: Advanced aircraft performance, advanced weapon efficiency
Prerequisites: Knowledge of your aircraft's performance, basic radar operation, basic A/A missiles employment
Progression: Advanced 2-ship BVR tactics, weapon employment and combat efficiency
Tactical imperatives
- Keep weapons and a radar pointed in threat direction at all times.
- Stay out of Minimum Abort Range, as long as possible or until you decide to transition to a WVR engagement.
Arriving on station
20-30 NM from station, wingman performs a 360 or a dog-leg to separate roughly 20 NM in a trail. Enter CAP racetrack hold with hot leg in threat direction.
Note: Don't slow down to create the 20 NM separation. It takes a long time and puts you in a tactically vulnerable stance.
Keeping a good racetrack
- Use same airspeed and same bank angle. For example M 0.85 and 30 degree bank angle.
- Communicate reference headings for the hot leg. Example: "Reference heading 020"
- Turn at 12 NM distance to maintain ~20 NM trail separation.
Tip: Use markpoints for the end points of the racetrack, if possible.
Example establishing racetrack with reference heading and markpoints