Mission SPINS

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Home >> Standard Operating Procedures >> Mission SPINS

SPINS stands for "Special Instructions". This page contains standard procedures that are valid for all Master Arms missions unless the organizer or mission commander explicitly states something else. The written mission briefings on the Master Arms event page often refers to the instructions on this page.

Rules of Engagement

We use three different sets of predefined Rules of Engagement, namely ROE: A, ROE: B and ROE: C.

ROE Set Intent Default Weapon Status Enemy Hostile Act
A Low level conflict, weapon usage rare HOLD Weapon employment
B Medium level conflict, weapon usage restricted TIGHT Weapon employment, radar lock
C High level conflict, war FREE Weapon employment, radar lock, maneuvering for tactical advantage

Weapon status

AWACS/GCI may change weapon status over the course of a mission.

  • HOLD: On commander's formal order ("Cleared to engage")
  • TIGHT: On targets declared HOSTILE
  • FREE: On targets declared HOSTILE or BANDIT

Self defence

Nothing in these ROE negates the right of individual self defence, protecting your own aircraft and wingmen, as a response to a hostile act (as described in the table above for ROE: A, B, C respectively).


Only important for AWACS/GCI players

Used by AWACS/GCI to determine contact status.

BANDIT: Contact fulfills 2 criterias
HOSTILE: Contact fulfills 3 criterias

  • Lack of IFF
  • PPLI indicates enemy (red)
  • Enemy territory point of origin
  • RWR correlates to known enemy type
  • Race track pattern in enemy territory
  • Unit accelerating and/or climbing on intercept profile

Or any one (1) hostile act (as described in the table above for ROE: A, B, C respectively).

Acceptable Level of Risk

The Acceptable Level of Risk (ALR) states what the mission commander should be ready to sacrifice in order to accomplish the main mission objective. We use three different variants of predefined ALRs.


  • Accept losses at peacetime rates only
  • Accept only favorable engagements
  • Withdraw if high level threat manifests
  • Aircraft recovery higher priority than mission goal


  • Accept 25% losses
  • Accept neutral and disadvantageous engagements
  • Withdraw to prevent heavy losses
  • Aircraft recovery higher priority than mission goal


  • Accept 50% losses
  • Accept neutral and disadvantageous engagements
  • Preserve some future capability if able
  • Mission goal higher priority than aircraft recovery

Carrier Ops

The procedures are explained in the CASE 1 and CASE 3 sections. The following additions should be followed:

  • Regardless of CASE, the lowest amount of fuel when showing up in the groove for the first landing attempt is 3000 lbs.
    • CASE 1: Hornet/Tomcat tank 2000, T + 2. Meaning that after bolter/waveoff 1 and bolter/waveoff 2, you may still attempt to land one more time, but if this third attempt fails, you will need to go to the tanker.
    • CASE 3: Hornet/Tomcat tank 2000, T + 1. Meaning that after bolter/waveoff 1, you may still attempt to land one more time, but if this second attempt fails, you will need to go to the tanker.
  • Check in with Marshal around 15-20 minutes before the briefed charlie time.

Channel/Frequency Assignment


xxxxy1 A -
xxxxy2 B -
xxxxy3 C -
xxxxy4 D -


CYLON5 B 1-4